31th Annual Chesterton Conference

31th Annual Chesterton Conference
Aug. 2-4, 2012, at the Silver Legacy Hotel (and Casino) in Reno, Nevada.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Summer Break in Meetings

Summer is here and most folks are taking their vacations. In light of that, we'll be taking a summer hiatus. Meetings will resume on September 15, 2010. If you've got the time and inclination, you might consider attending the upcoming Chesterton Conference. Here's an info card I received in the mail yesterday. It should be a great Conference. (Click on the agenda to enlarge it.)

As Nancy noted on the ACS Blog, there has been a change in one of the presenters:
Msgr. Swetland, from the host institution, can’t be there. He’s just taken a new job: President of Seton Hall University. Dr. William Marshner, a theology professor from Christendom College to speak instead on “What’s Wrong with Theology?” (He’s brilliant. It will be a great talk.)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

T-Shirts for What's Wrong With The World, 29th Annual Chesterton Conference

Here is the WWWTW T-Shirt. Once again, thanks to Ted Schluenderfritz for providing me the artwork. They should be available for sale at the Conference.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Watch This Space for Possible ChesterTen T-Shirts

I hope to have some T-Shirts made up for the upcoming ChesterTen Conference. If they look OK I'll post some pictures of them here. Even if they don't look OK, I 'll still post the pictures. We all have different ideas of what's OK. Right?

June Meeting Cancelled

Sorry for the late notice, but I will not be able to make the June meeting. So I supposed that means it's cancelled. I arrived home from Mt. Vernon, OH, the site of Barbershop Society's Apple Corps, to find that an uncle had died. So I'm leaving for Pennsylvania first thing Monday and probably will spend most of the week there.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

ChesterTen Registration is Open.

It seems strange to access the blog and not see Max Beerbohm's caricature at the top. It looks to me like Mr. Ted Schluenderfritz (the logo designer) might have gotten some of his inspiration from Max's caricature of Chesterton. Then again, maybe not.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

IHS Press

A Word From the Editors. IHS Press was launched in September of 2001 to bring back into print the classics of last century on the Social Teachings of the Catholic Church. IHS Press titles are sure to appeal to the Catholic reader who wants to know more about the wealth of information buried in the Church's Social Doctrine. And our titles will no doubt be a welcome and refreshing change for any socially-conscious reader who, in a search for a humane solution to modern social problems, is looking for a break from worn-out theories.

I thought I'd share the above information from IHS Press with others who might be interested in books dealing with Catholic Social Doctrine. IHS is a great resource. Of course, if the book was written by Chesterton, you might check with the American Chesterton Society first and buy it from them. You'd be supporting the ACS.