31th Annual Chesterton Conference

31th Annual Chesterton Conference
Aug. 2-4, 2012, at the Silver Legacy Hotel (and Casino) in Reno, Nevada.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Subject for September 15, 2010 Meeting - What's Wrong With The World

The 29th Annual Chesterton Conference has just ended (Aug 7, 2010). The Conference celebrated the 100th anniversary of Chesterton's book What's Wrong With The World. You can still see the Conference agenda here. You can read WWWTW at Project Gutenberg here. While it was not listed on the agenda, we had a great treat when G.K. himself made a special appearance. Yes, Chuck Chalberg (pictured above) attended the Conference and donned his wig, cape, hat, pince-nez and swordstick, as he provided a short visit from Mr. Chesterton. The crowd loved it.

At any rate, all that was simply to alert potential meeting attendees to the fact that the initial subject of discussion at the meeting will be selected essays from WWWTW. I'll suggest these three; The Emancipation of Domesticity, The Modern Slave, and Folly and Female Education. I'll have copies of those available. We can, of course, discuss anything and everything.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Society Meeting Location to Change

Effective with the September 15, 2010 meeting, we'll be meeting in the newly created Library of St. Peter's Parish Hall. This (above) is a view of the Parish Hall from Water Street. However, here (below) is the entrance we'll be using. It's back the walkway on the side of the Hall. I'll have signs posted on the night of the meeting.

Here (below) is the newly painted, and as-yet-un-carpeted Library. Carpeting is scheduled for Monday, August 30.

Fr. Hahn will also allow us to publish a meeting notice in the Church Bulletin. I plan to contact Fr. Hummer at St. Mary's to see if he would be willing to do the same.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

A Look at Knott Auditorium, Mount St. Mary's, Emmitsburg, MD

Here's a couple of pictures of Knott Auditorium. It will be full of Chestertonians beginning this Thursday.