31th Annual Chesterton Conference

31th Annual Chesterton Conference
Aug. 2-4, 2012, at the Silver Legacy Hotel (and Casino) in Reno, Nevada.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Hello Chillicothe, Ohio

This is the start of the Chillicothe Chesterton Society Blog. It is also the start of the local society. I suppose I'll try to be the fanatic Dale Ahlquist writes about on the American Chesterton Society Web Site. According to Dale, there are five things needed to start a local society. They are:

1. At least one person who is fanatically devoted to Chesterton.
2. A core group of people who share an interest in Chesterton and in meeting regularly.
3. A place to meet regularly.
4. A time to meet regularly.
5. Something to drink.

I don't know if I'll be able to find a core group. Although I was encouraged the other day when I was in a local coffee house and asked the barista if it might be possible to hold a meeting of a-yet-to-be-formed literary society in that establishment. She said I should speak with the owner. And as I write this, I've just finished the phone call. Now we have a place to meet -- Schlegel's Coffee House. At any rate, just as I finished asking about being able to meet in the coffee house, the gentleman standing next in line handed me his card and said: "give me a call if you get something going." I took that as a providential sign.

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