So, Tim and I discussed several things. Tim mentioned that he had tried to generate some interest in Chesterton at the Lancaster Catholic schools, and the public library, to no avail. I mentioned that when I requested that the Chillicothe Library allow me to post a notice of the Chillicothe Chesterton Society, my request was rejected. However, on a very positive note, The Chillicothe Gazette ran a very nice article on our up-coming one-man shows. For that, we are very grateful.
We then talked a bit about Kevin O'Brien's The Theater of The Word, Incorporated and Chuck Chalberg's History on Stage. Tim said he planned to attend both events. Since I had brought along the nine new Belloc books I recently bought, we talked a bit about Belloc and, of course, ChesterBelloc. Tim had not heard that term. Now he's heard of it. The hour flew by and before we knew it, the meeting was over. We both hope that the up-coming presentations will generate a little more interest in our Society. It would be nice to have a couple more folks join in our conversations.
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