Well, it happened again! Providence. I was having lunch in Schlegel's, waiting to put up the Chesterton poster the owner has agreed to display for the yet-to-be-formed Chillicothe Chesterton Society and another customer saw the poster. He said: "Hey, I've just started reading Orthodoxy, and I've got the book right here!" He introduced himself as a new graduate of law school and a future seminarian. Lutheran, I believe. He seemed quite enthusiastic and said he'd definitely attend our upcoming first meeting. So.... there should be at least 3 people there. That should be enough to plan for a second meeting. I've put up meeting notices in Book World, Lloyd's Candy Shop (I just can't seem to go by that shop and not stop), St Mary's Church, Trinity United Methodist Church, Calvary Lutheran Church, and M&W Books in Hillsboro. St. Peter's Church (Chillicothe) secretary said a meeting notice will appear in the Sunday bulletin. I also stopped at the Chillicothe Gazette and asked them if they would put a blurb in the paper. They said they would try to accommodate us with a few words.
Good luck and best wishes from the Warren, Ohio Chesterton Society!
ReplyDeleteAnd a former resident of Chillicothe!